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I have had a new M Endurance Chain fitted to my S1000RR.

Some explanation



  • No need to carry additional chain lubrication on trips. Always a pain and with very limited luggage space not easy to accommodate.
  • Chain lifetime should be increase
  • Chain does not stretch and so will always be perfectly tensioned.


No idea on life expectations of chain or sprockets - somewhat the purpose of the exercise.


Issue Log


In order to monitor the progress of the chain I will keep a log here.

Date Issue Mileage Comment
14/1/21 Fitted 9800  
24/2/21 First check


Clear rusting appearing around the pins as per photo.  Plan to add a monthly maintenance task of wiping chain with an oily rag.


Oct 21 Maintenance check


Inspection shows the chain is performing well and showing no sign of wear or stretch. I am cleaning it with an oily rag about once a week with just a wipe over.

BMW are now recommending the chain is lubricated at every annual service.