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I have used a Keis J501 heated jacket for a year now and find it the best way to keep warm.  It is a revelations and allows long journeys in very cold weather and to still be able to retain a degree of concentration - very important. In normal use I rarely have the jacket above the minimum setting - this is enough to give a good background heat without feeling like you will boil.  In very cold weather I use the medium setting. Personally I never use the maximum setting as I find it too hot.


Below we can see some evaluation of the effectiveness of the jacket and gloves.

Wind Chill Factors

The table below lets us estimate wind chill based on hour ambient temperature and our speed.


So if our ambient was 0C and our speed was 70mph, then the equivalent temperature taking wind chill into effect would be -11C.  That is effectively the temperature our heated clothing is trying to save us from experiencing.



Here is a short article on how to calculate wind chill on a motorcycle.


This is a completely non-scientific experiment to gain a feeling of how good the heating effect of the J501 jacket and G601 gloves are.

Ambient temperature 5C.

Average speed 70mph.

Very little external wind.

Gloves and jacket at mid setting - both were able to continue to heat the hand and core, but only just as the overall wind chill was sufficient to bring down the temperature.

Gloves and jacket at max temperature - both hands and core were very warm and little evidence of significant drop in temperature due to wind chill.