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WAGS in Wales July 2013


A TVAM WAGS weekend in Wales.  Staying in Tregaron which is always a good starting point and place to stay.  Plenty of well arranged and led rides through the Elan Valley, Aberystwyth and environs.

Friday 5 July

Meet at Little Chef Burford for sharp 10am start. Leave at 10.30 for Tregaron!!

Uneventful trip down mostly A40/A44.

Things get more interesting once entering Wales.

The Devil's Staircase is as always thrilling - it's an exciting piece of road but it also means you are in spitting distance of the hotel - almost there.


Saturday 6 July

Anticipating an excellent run through Wales we head for the coast and we re not disappointed.

The roads were windier than a plateful of spaghetti.

Excellent visit to the coast and fish and chips in Aberystwyth - although nowhere near as good as Whitby fish and chips they were a welcome dietary addition.

The coast here is fantastic and up by Barmouth could even be described as beautiful - definitely worth a look.



Sunday 7 July

Trip back home via "The Lakes" - Elan.  Out of Tregaron by the now well trodden road - still an excellent ride.  Back past Devil's Bridge (they must be getting sick of seeing us and hearing us pass through there.  Turning into the Elan Valley Visitors Center. Snack at the Elan Valley visitor center (and a good pit-stop visit too).  Great view of the dam from here.

Lunch grabbed at some anonymous petrol station - not very memorable - in fact I have forgotten all about it already!

All split our different ways North of Stowe, and back via Burford and the A40.

Absolutely cream crackered when I got home - great weekend! I arrive home exhausted but elated after a thoroughly enjoyable weekend, just wondering when the next adventure will be and realize it is not that far off - September the fun starts all over again in France!

Route Map (TBD)