WAGS Trip to Wales July 2012
The first run to Wales that I attended. And the start of regular epic weekends away with the group.
Friday - We met at the Little Chef, Burford. Wettest I have been for a while. Kit held out and kept me dry. Definitely recommend base layers for the longer journeys, just so much more comfortable.Start of the epic journey.
Saturday - epic journeys through the Welsh scenery from hotel in Tragaron to the base of Snowdon. Oggi for lunch.
Sunday - epic trip back via several reservoirs. Good lunch stop.
Video of trip back (Adobe flv). This is a full uneditied version of the first 2hrs of our return journey and as such can be tedious. Still need to work on choosing my parts of the trip I video (would help if I knew the roads first though).
Hotel - V.Good. Wouldn't mind going there again. This was the Y Talbot in Tragaron.
Trip - Excellent