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aka The Spooky Chateau Tour

aka Helen and Bob's Holiday

Day 1

Ferry trip overnight to St Malo was uneventful, although far too much cider had been consumed which helped with the period of unconsciousness I call sleep.

Roads down to La Flocelliere were wonderful as you would expect, led by Sean.  Good, fast long trip with a good mix of twisty and wide open roads.

Reception with the Viscount and his wife  and dinner were well done.

Day 2

After getting used to the Chateaux it began to grow on me and it is indeed a good change from my normal choice of Ibis.  A bit more expensive, less faculties but worth the experience.

Breakfast was great - fresh bread, brioche and coffee.

A late start meant we actually did little motorcycling on Day 2 unfortunately.  We did get to La Rochelle and had a fine lunch at Andre's.  

Evening was lots of beer, and another fine dinner at the local bar with plenty of wine (white wasn't very good but the red was acceptable).

Others continued drinking back at the Chateaux but I retired as my blood sugars were getting very very high by now.

Day 3

The trip back was mainly large N/D roads and so uneventful in the main. One of the party had a puncture which was quickly repaired and tyre inflated using a superb little electric pump (note to self - must get one of those).

Arrived at Ouistreham for dinner at La Marine. Surprisingly ok fish and chips.

On the ferry it was discovered that there was a mis-hap with the room booking but with the help of the ferry staff we got it sorted without bothering the organizer.