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Trip to Devon and Cornwall as first long trip of the season March 22 to 25th.


Friday 22, March - Travelling Down (Friday)

Map (as downloadable pdf file) (downladable gpx file)

Stay at Pentire Hotel


Saturday 23 March - Lands End (Saturday)

Lunch at Kings Head St. Just

Visit to Lands End


Nick at Lands End

Nick at Lands End 


Lunch at the Kings Head (Ham, egg and chips)

The Kings Head, St. Just

Map (downloadable as a pdf)


Sunday 24 March - Dartmoor

Sunday was a bitterly cold day. As we came up onto the moor from Yelverton and crossed the first cattle grid, the cold was obvious by the frost encrusted trees.

The wise choice was to go straight to Pricetown and the Fox Tor Cafe.

After a coffee and ham, egg and chips the new plan was to go down the coast and on to Teignmouth where we were staying for the night.

Arriving in Teignmouth we stopped for coffee and happened upon the Riviera coffee bar.  They had live music - a band called Blame Andy who were very good (as was the cake!)

In the evening - close to the B&B - again there is a pub that has live music, that was also very good!

Hotel to Yelverton (downloadable as pdf)

Dartmoor Loop (downloadable as pdf)

Fox Tor Cafe for lunch

B&B- Potters Mooring

Riviera Coffee Bar

Ferryboat Pub

Monday 25 March - trip home

Trip Home (downladable as a pdf)